So massive that they warp the fabric of space time, you’re sure to quell any hunger for treats with these mighty chonks. Snickathon, Fudge ‘Em, The Ambassador and Peanut Butter Jelly Time are our absolutest units and the only option when you can either go big or go home. These will actually make the light from your TV bend around them, so place them out of the way so as not to ruin your viewing pleasure.
WARNING: may contain serious calories. And LOTS of nuts.
Also available as a big and beastly Doughnut Box Set or as a Mighty Box for collection or local delivery in Sheffield.
N.B. You’ll get at least one of each flavour in your collection in the small box and at least two of each in the large one. The small box contains six in total, the large one contains 12. Please note that there is no product separation between the flavours so this collection may not be suitable for those with an allergy to any of the ingredients.
Allergens in bold
SNICKATHON – Contains nuts, specifically peanuts
THE AMBASSADOR – Contains nuts
PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME – Contains nuts, specifically peanuts
FUDGE ‘EM – There are no key allergens in this one!
YAY! Flapjacks
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S7 2BG
Site by Xentrian Ltd.
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